Interface GraphQLWebSocketServerOptions<TContext>

interface GraphQLWebSocketServerOptions<TContext> {
    acknowledge?: AcknowledgeFn;
    connectionInitWaitTimeout?: number;
    createContext: CreateContextFn<TContext>;
    parser?: GraphQLExecutionArgsParser;
    parserOptions?: GraphQLExecutionArgsParserOptions;
    schema: GraphQLSchema;

Type Parameters

  • TContext


acknowledge?: AcknowledgeFn

Acknowledgement function. Called once per connection with the initialization message payload. May throw an error to cause socket closure (4401 Unauthorized).

connectionInitWaitTimeout?: number

Timeout until receiving initialization message, in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000.

createContext: CreateContextFn<TContext>

Context factory function. Called once per subscription with the original initialization payload. The returned context is used for execution during the lifetime of the subscription.

Overrides execution args parser.

Execution args parser options.

schema: GraphQLSchema

Executable GraphQLSchema instance.